Powdery Mildews and Some of the Plants They Infect
Botanical name Common name Botanical name Common name
Erysiphe cichoracearum:Microsphaera species:
AchilleaYarrow Acacia
AjugaCarpet bugle Catalpa
AlceaHollyhock CeanothusWild lilac
AntirrhinumSnapdragon EricaHeath
BaccharisCoyote bush Hydrangea
BegoniaJuglans Walnut
CalendulaPot marigold LagerstroemiaCrape myrtle
CentaureaBachelor button LigustrumPrivet
ChrysanthemumMum, daisy marguerite LiriodendronTulip tree
Lonicera Honeysuckle
CitrullusWatermelon Magnolia
CosmosPassiflora Passion flower
CotinusSmoke tree PlatanusPlane tree, sycamore
DahliaPopulus Poplar
EucalyptusRaphiolepis India hawthorn
GerberaTransvaal daisy RhododendronRhododendron, azalea
HelianthusSunflower RobiniaLocust
LactucaLettuce VacciniumBlueberry
MyosotisForget-me-not Viburnum
RanunculusPhyllactinia corylea:
RhusSumacAesculus Horse chestnut
RudbeckiaBlack-eyed Susan CornusDogwood
SalpiglossisPainted tongue PhiladelphusMock orange
SalviaSageQuercus Oak
SenecioCineraria RubusBramble
VerbenaPodosphaera species:
ZinniaAcer Maple
Fraxinus Ash
Erysiphe polygoni: MalusApple, crabapple
AmaranthusAmaranth Photinia
AquilegiaColumbine PrunusPlum, peach, apricot,
    cherry, laurel
BetaBeetPyracantha Firethorn
BrassicaceaeCabbage family PyrusPear
EschscholziaCalifornia poppy
IberisCandytuft Sphaerothecafuliginea:
LathyrusSweet pea CucumisCantaloupe, cucumber
LobulariaSweet alyssum
PhaseolusBean CucurbitaWinter squash
RaphanusRadish Sphaerotheca species:
VincaPeriwinkle Cotoneaster
ViolaPansy, viola, violet CrataegusHawthorn
Dianthus Carnation, pink,
    sweet William
Microsphaera alni:
AlnusAlderErica Heath
CorylusHazelnut FragariaStrawberry
LoniceraHoneysuckle GaillardiaBlanket flower
PlatanusPlane tree, sycamore HeucheraCoral bells
SymphoricarposSnowberry NicotianaFlowering tobacco
SyringaLilac Petunia
Potentilla Cinquefoil
Ribes Currant, gooseberry
Rosa Rose
Tolmiea Piggyback plant

Adapted from A List of Powdery Mildews of California, University of California Cooperative Extension Service leaflet 217.